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Pushing vs. Pulling

What type of leader are you?

In order to reach and impact your followers, do you force them to complete tasks with harsh intensity? In other words, do you induce fear in order to create action?

If so, you are a leader that pushes. You lay out the production items, a set of rules and guidelines, and let your followers complete tasks on their own. This method requires a lot of preparation, but not much follow-through.

The other type of leader could be one that pulls. This type of individual leads its pack through his/her own individual action. This action is usually a completion of the task at hand in order to show followers how it’s properly done. True leaders that pull lead by example and usually possess humility and personal relationships with each and every follower. They help out whenever someone needs it and is always showing everyone the right direction in order to create the most production and efficiency.

What type of leader are you?

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