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Ten ways for improving employee performance and attitude

1.            Every employee is unique
It is very easy to think of each employee as the same however it is important to understand that each employee is unique and different so make sure you tap into the diversity and uniqueness of each employee, find out their strengths and weaknesses, understand their requirements and expectations of each employee are totally different and so are their goals. Understanding them better is the first step in realising an employee’s full potential.

2.            Expectations, Higher or Lower.

In many cases it’s not employees that are the problem but the employers themselves. It is extremely important for employers to set expectations before tasks, by doing a plan of action or setting expectations it keeps employees on the right path but also keeps you on track too.

3.            Managing Employees Expectations

As well as managing your expectations you should also manage an employee’s expectations. By opening communication levels and discussing what each expects from the other this will ensure you are both aware of each other’s expectations and there will be no confusions.

4.            Utilise Development tools and resources

Never be afraid of reaching out and using development resources. There are many tools and resources out there to help you get the most productive work out of your employees. Some may be pricey but they will certainly do the job at a price convenient to you. You may also try pairing up your employees with some mentors, joining professional networks, invite experts to come and coach your staff and set up coaching plans.

5.            Provide changing environments

Understand how your employees would feel if they were placed in unchallenging environments and how this would affect their work. Try and provide your employees with a challenging, dynamic and motivational work environment to keep their brains active and create excitement and creativity.

6.            Lead by Example

A great motivator to employees is to see an employer, manager or supervisor working harder than anyone else in the business. It is greatly underestimated how much leading by example can motivate a work force to produce outstanding results.

7.            Engage Employees

Employees need to be engaged in projects and tasks in order to fulfil their full potential, meaning that as an employer you need to give your employees the opportunity to communicate their ideas and suggestions. This will surely reward both the employer and the employee both wanting to succeed.

8.            Award employees and not just with money

Rewarding your employees with perks such as verbal recognition, certificates, lunches, and other ongoing incentives can be a fantastic motivator to your staff. Throw down targets and the first person to hit that target gets a great incentive. Although sometimes very risky it can also be rewarding for the employer to.

9.            Nurture employee strengths and help with weaknesses.

It is important to nurture a person’s strengths whilst being aware of their weaknesses and helping to improve them. You do not want to completely ignore weaknesses a person has but work on them as they could become very beneficial to you. While working on their weaknesses you should also realise what strengths they hold and leverage them into rewarding and productive work.

10.          Don’t be afraid to let go.

Although it is never intentional to hire an employee who doesn’t work out right, sometimes letting an employee go due to their lack of ability or to maintain the harmony in the workplace is the best option in order to run a successful business.

This article was contributed by Michael Adams of Employment Law Answered. Michael has been working in employment law for many years and also consults on employee training, customer service and more. For further information please visit his website.

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