Many small business owners are skeptical about investing in a lead generation company as they are certain preconceived notions or myths associated with lead generation. Effective lead conversion therefore is lost sight of by many B2B marketers. When some of these myths are debunked it helps them act proactively and invest in the services of a lead generation company.
Myth No. 1: Cost Per Lead is What Matters the Most
There are many marketers that focus on cost per lead instead of actually focusing on cost per acquisition, cost per lifetime value of a customer and cost per upselling the customer. It is important to consider something that measures the true return of your efforts, instead of just focusing on the cost per lead of a campaign. For instance, if you are operating with the assumption that your best close rate is $50 per lead, you are most likely to be overlooking $1,000-per-lead opportunities that close at 80% which are worth 50 times per customer.
Myth No. 2: Lead Scoring is Dependent on Lead Source
What is critical, is to measure leads around implicit and explicit information that has been provided by them at the time of sign-up. The focus should be more on the industry, job title, number of sales reps or budgets. Those attributes can be followed all the way through the sales process with a view to build a lead-scoring profile. A reputable lead generation company always focuses on measuring leads.
Myth No. 3: Landing Pages Produce the most Leads
There are many marketing efforts that involve driving customers to landing pages so that they can get data from them, but have forgotten that they haven’t really provided them with any information at all, to convince them to convert in the first place.
While this does work at times, most often prospective customers can’t find the information they want and end up abandoning the exercise altogether. A lead generation company should always avoid the organic-vs.-paid link and landing site funnel when a prospect finds your site via search. It should be effortless for every prospect to be able to educate themselves about the services you provide. This will lead to fewer frustrated leads, shorter sales cycles, and a better reputation.
Myth No. 4: It is necessary to have Drip Campaigns
A lead generation company should never run a drip campaign just to check it off on their campaign list. Instead, try to adopt a triggers-based or less is more approach which allows you to maintain a healthy flow of communication with your prospects without overwhelming them.
Myth No. 5: The Communication Team is Controlled by the Marketing Team
An affective lead generation company will suggest a communications plan that includes sales and marketing. It is wise to use automated tools to personalize campaigns based on real-time information. A lead generation company like Teleark will be able to convert leads into potential customers and give your company the competitive edge it deserves.
Matt Greenberger