Never before could you obtain so much free information on money management from the internet. The curtains have fallen and the importance of knowledge has never been more emphasized than today. Everything people don’t want you to know is available to you now – and you should start taking advantage of that unprecedented access.
Money management is a great example of something we are built to stay away from. There’s a reason Financial Advisors and Money Managers even exist. It’s because those people with money to manage are afraid of making mistakes. They’re afraid of what they don’t know – so they hire someone that claims they do know.
What happens out the other end of this relationship is anybody’s guess. Sometimes a fund gains slightly above inflation. Other times, it’s considered a down market and the manager loses a bit of the sum. Add those losses to the management fees and their customer is now draining their money – all because they thought they didn’t know enough.
To me, our financial future is one of the most important things you can have a tight grip on. Rather than fear the unknown and relinquish ownership of what is yours, invest the time to understand aspects of the financial market that you can handle. It’s empowering, enlightening, and freeing to know you can do these types of things on your own.